Estonia’ s road to gigabit society – kuulemme matkasta Tallinnan seminaarissamme

Tallinnan seminaarimme perjantaiaamupäivän 15.3.2024 toinen KeyNote-puhujamme on Raigo Iling (Counsellor , Communications Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications).

Hän tulee kertomaan meille esityksensä otsikon mukaisesti:

Estonia’ s road to gigabit society.

Tässä lyhyt esittely Raigon mittavasta työurasta ja kokemuksesta:

He has been designing broadband policies in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications since 2015.
Before that he worked at the Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU between 2011-2015.
2006-2011 he worked at the EU and internation co-operation department in Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (telecom and transport coordination).

Welcome Raigo Iling to our seminar!